b'The Ordnance Bombthe first-hand accounts. The infor-mationflowfromtheindividual Ordnancemaintainerupandover to the individuals who can most af-fect change proved to be crucial.InaHarvardBusinessRe-view article, How to Invest in Social Capital, authors Prusak and Cohen statedEverymanagerknowsthat businessrunsbetterwhenpeople withinanorganizationknowand trust one anotherdeals move fast-erandmoresmoothly,teamsare more productive, people learn more quickly and perform with more cre-ativity.Strongrelationships,most managers will agree, are the grease ofanorganization. Innothing more than a few short weeks, with the grease covered calloused hands of our maintainers hard at work, our community relied on one another to attack a problem and give the war-fighter back a reliable weapon sys-tem. Through networking, trust, aOrdnance Marines working on 81mm mortar bipods during MAGTF fewfavorsandwidearchingrela- Warfighting Exercise (MWX)tionshipstheOrdnanceCommu- gramOfficenewestcommunitythe chain of command and to never nity continues to move mountains;tool. Up next, who knows? be satisfied with status quo. thiscaseresultedinanenterpriseFrom our senior officers andIthasbeensaidAsociety wide Safety Of Use Message, a set ofenlisted to our most junior Marines,growsgreatwhenoldmenplant amplified maintenance instructionswe have a responsibility to identifytreeswhoseshadetheywillnever supported by video and subsequentproblemsandaggressivelypursueknow. That bodes the question promulgation throughout the rankssolutions big or small, to talk later- What trees have you planted lately utilizing the Infantry Weapons Pro- ally, to communicate up and downfor your community?A Mechanical Mind: Marines Getting Guns Back In The FightWhileparticipatingintheerators but the maintainers as well.why these weapons are failing. Di-Service Level Training Event (SLTEHowever,throughthecol- rectlyafterrepairingandtesting 3-21) the Armorers of 1st Battalion,laboration of some great mechanicaltheir weapons the Junior Marines of 11thMarinesidentifiedproblemsmindswithinourlowerranksthe1/11 assisted the Armorers of 1/10 with,diagnosedtherootcauseof,defectsencounteredat1/11werewhom were experiencing like issues.andprovideddetailedinstructionsresolved by simply following the in- In April, 1/11 reported to SLTE two onhowtocorrectdefectsfoundstructions and using some hard workweeks early in order to perform pre-on the Battalions M2A1s that wereto get the guns back in the fight. Ad- liminary training prior to the begin-experiencing degraded firing capa- ditionally, WO Tanner Grace, 1/11ning of SLTE 3-21. The training goal bilities and extreme stoppages. TheOrdO,provideddetailedfeedbackwas to perform a battery live fire de-M2A1 has created a lot of doubt andvia a storyboard, which was pushedfensewhichincorporatedhowitzer disappointment by not only the op- to the program office, on how andContinued Next PageVolume 3, Issue 3 5Thank You For Your Service HJuly 2021H Military Appreciation Resource Magazine 21'