b"The Ordnance BombSoftball Continuedevent, and thank all the officers and Junior Marine of the Year for his ac- SNCOs that are playing a part in the tions as the Assistant Maintenancesuccess of this, and like events. Our Chief, 2nd Platoon, Delta Company,chow line should be fully manned 3rd AABn.by the officers so that the young Ma-I would be amiss not to alsorines can go enjoy the games. Aside congratulate the AAV Schools Bat- from those who have already been talion team for winning today. Thereidentified to serve in certain roles, was a lot of great competition outthe expectation is that the remain-there that you overcame!The teaming officers rotatewiththose on the was awarded a bursting bomb tro- grill or serving line so that we all get phy and each member also receiveda chance to watch or participate in aoneyearHonoraryMembershipthe tournament while the chow line into the GOMA! remains manned.Lastly, if you're an AsstatedbyLifeMemberofficer with an MOS that starts with GOMA 2020 Marine of the year,21, and you're NOT a member of the Cpl Willam Burns, receives hisMajorJoeSaenzinamemopriorGOMA, you can't expect your Ma-award at the I MEF Event. to the event I look forward to thisrines to be. We lead by example. Just in the last 6 months, we've voiced our concerns to the GOMA Lead-ership and they've responded with changes. The association gives back what we put into it so please con-sider joining and don't pass on an opportunity to talk to your Marines about it. It will keep getting better as long as the active duty leadership of this community is behind it. Personally,thiswasoneof WO Obed Macias and Maj Joe Saenz providing opening commentsthe best days Ive had in a long time on the tournament and the importance of GOMA membership. being able to talk to Ordnance Ma-rinesaboutthecommunityand someofthechallengestheyface today.Itissuchanhonortobe part of an organization such as the GOMAandoftenIthinkabout other geographical locations where manyOrdnanceMarinesareand why they are doing things like this as well.Mostly I think about all of the Officers and Senior SNCOs who have committed their support to the Association and Community.To all GOMA Chairman, Jim Towney addresses the Marines during open- of the West Coast Marines!Job well ing comments before the tournament. done!Semper Fidelis!Volume 3, Issue 3 13Thank You For Your Service HJuly 2021H Military Appreciation Resource Magazine 29"