b'I s there not a cause ?By Jacob GaySocial injustices. Tyranny. Hatred. Race wars. Dysfunctional. Dystopia.only his brothers faces but the faces of the great army of Israel; they look David and Goliath. Our current societal climate is toxic. The air isdefeated. David inquired about what would happened to the person who flammable. In a matter of minutes, the next misfortune will set up thedefeat the giant. Davids brothers were enraged because they thoughtatmosphere on fire; on our watch. Then all of our previous efforts at livingthat David was just being nosy. David surveyed the situations, looked in a normal and functional society would have been for naught. Manyaround and said: Is there not a cause? (1 Samuel 17:29). Eventually, years ago, a young shepherd boy saw the dysfunctional that was goingDavid suited up with the Kings armor, but they were too heavy to fightaround him and he posed this question: is there not a cause? in. He went back to what he was familiar with in order to defeat Goliath,Why do we wake up every morning? Why do we go to work? Whythe giant man. do we pray? Why do we serve a God? Is there not a cause? When weIs there not a cause when we survey our current landscape? Whohonestly look at all the hatred in the world, in our own community; thewill stand up to battle the giant? Who will say, enough is enough and risksocial injustices; the dysfunctional, shouldnt we all be asking ourselves:it all to combat tyranny, hatred and social injustice? Goliath symbolizes is there not a cause? We are waiting and watching for the next man orwhat is wrong with our world, with our community today. The injustices,woman to pick up his/her mantle to fight injustices; to fight tyrannies. Wethe hatred and the dysfunctional are insurmountable at times; they seem are all waiting patiently on the sideline, pointing fingers, yet, we are notlike giants. Unless, someone stands up, take up his or her weapon and lifting a finger to say enough is enough. But as soon as someone elsefight, then we will never see victory. Victory belongs to those who, when decides to stand up to combat injustices, then were all up in arms trying toface with oppression, have the courage to say: not on my watch and take up his/her sword. dissuade that person by muddying the cause. Is there not a cause? You will be ridiculed for standing up. People will laugh at you. Others The story of David and Goliath can be viewed through the microscopicwill try to muddy up your cause. But, as long as you know that the causes lens of todays society. The bible, in 1 Samuel 17, narrated that storythat you are fighting for are worth it, then by all means necessary: fight on. forthright and without omission. Heres a brief synopsis of the DavidOne day, the same plight you were being ridiculed for will be celebrated. and Goliath story: there was a battle between Israel and the Philistines.But until then, remember youre waging warfare because in your heart of Each army stood on the opposite side of each other. The Philistines felthearts, you know there is a greater cause that all of us should be fighting empowered because one of their soldiers was a giant man, Goliath. Thisfor. Yes, there is a cause. man was strong. This man was a champion. No one has defeated thatInjustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are man before. When the Israelites saw that man, they were frightenedcaught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single and they retreated in a corner. Then one day, David went up to see hisgarment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all brothers who were serving in the Israelites army. Then David saw notindirectly.Martin Luther King JrThank You For Your Service HJanuary 2021 H Military Appreciation Resource Magazine 25'