b'U.S. Navy Parachute TeamThe Leap Frogshttps://leapfrogs.navyThe early days of anti-submarine patrol Civil Air Patrol during World War II. Presented to CAP in 1972 by the artist, Robert C. Sherry.A Story of Unique Service and Selfless SacrificeStory by Steve Cox , CAP HeadquartersPublished December 08, 2016https://www.maxwell.af.mil/News/Features/Display/Article/1024853/civil-air-patrol-a-story-of-unique-service-and-selfless-sacrificeBrave. Heroic Atlantic and Gulf coastlines to protect their homeland. They were the citizen fliers of Americas greatest generationWithout their coastal patrols during the first 18 months who, propelled by duty, honor and love of country, sacrificedof the war, who knows what might have happened. The all in defense of America in the earliest, darkest days ofmarauding Nazi submarines were using torpedoes to sink World War II. ships, barges and oil tankers in Americas shipping lanes, Their story is extraordinary, for these founding members ofalmost at will. And the United States Navy and Army did not Civil Air Patrolmore than 1,500 strongperformed thehave the ships, aircraft or manpower to prevent the attacks. most amazing feats. They hunted Nazi U-boats and chasedFrom January to March 1942, 52 tankers were sunk, often them from Americas shores. They searched for the lost.within sight of civilians on shore.They saved lives. They made a profound difference. The economic impact, not to mention the number of Inspired by the highest sense of patriotism and pride,lives lost, was quickly adding up, prompting Army General these fearless aviators relentlessly flew up and down the.continued on page 28Thank You For Your Service Military Appreciation Resource Magizine 27'